Welcome To Easter Sermons!
Christ Died! - Luke 23:33
While realizing the intensity of the physical abuse and pain, don't forget the spiritual agony.
Humiliation, embarrassment, and mortification only hinted at the anguish of spirit.
Even the route to Calvary was an ordeal of stumbling and suffering as He was led through the crowds....More
The Easter Gospel - 1 Corinthians 15:3,4 Of all the events of history no event is more tremendous than the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Without Christ's resurrection, His crucifixion and death would have been in vain. These two fundamental facts cannot be separated. ...
Death Died! - 2 Timothy 1:10 When we face the prospect of our own death, we don't know what to do. No one can avoid death or put it off. When your time is up, your time is up.
This is a subject many do not wish to talk about. ...More
A Growing Hope! - Romans 10:9 Hope is why we have confidence in the future, confident that God's plan for the creation
will ultimately be fulfilled. Most of us live by hope. Hope is a basic motivating force of life.
People without hope are depressed, and live in despair. ...More
Easter Headlines! - Matt. 27:35 Had you been able to buy a morning edition of a Jerusalem newspaper on Monday following
the Jewish Passover in 30 A.D., its headlines probably would have read: "Jesus of Nazareth Reported Risen from the Dead."...
Peace And Power - John 20:19-22
The power of the Holy Spirit is a purging power. God will not use unclean vessels.
I pray that God will open all our hearts afresh for the purifying power of the Holy Spirit. This is the first requisite for service.
God will withhold His presence in power from His on children until sin is put out of their lives. Let the Holy Spirit search and probe our hearts. ...More
Burning Hearts! - Luke 24:13-35
Jesus is always ready to meet us at the turns of our life. He will be there in our greatest disappointments.
He will walk with us through our deepest sorrows. God is with us as we travel through life. God will always be with us!...More
Were You There? - 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
The death of Jesus was not just something that happens to Him instead of me, but it was something that happens also to me.
On that Good Friday so long ago was revealed the truth about all men in all times, including me.
As I believe in Jesus who died on that cross, what He was and did and what happened to Him determines my own life and destiny....More
Come And See! - Matt. 28:1-6 Here is the greatest invitation you will ever receive! Come and see!"
I urge you to wake up before you die! Come to Jesus, the resurrected Lord! He will transform your life forever! ...More
I’ll Fly Away! - Colossians 3:1-4 Do we realize the entire significance of Easter. We know about Christ being raised from the dead, but we must also understand what that means to us.
Jesus was raised on that first Easter morning, but in Christ you were also raised. The Bible says, "You were raised with Christ."
You and I were raised with Christ. Of course, you can't be raised from the dead, unless you have died. ...More
First, The Cross -- Then, The Glory! - Matt. 28:1-11
How sad that so many stop at the cross. How sad that for so many the life of Jesus ends at the tomb.
How sad that they have no concept of Jesus being risen in glory....More
A Look At The Resurrection - Acts 17:16-34 There is no hope, without the resurrection.
Only in Christ can we face an eternal future with certainty. The resurrection is the ultimate proof of God's love for his people. ...More
Where Are You Going? - John 12:20-33
It is absolutely essential that we must prepare for our journey through this life and into the next. Our life is heading somewhere.
We know that life on this earth will come to an end. We also know that we will continue to live in eternity. There are two destinations -- heaven or hell! ...More
Rejoice! He Lives! - John 6:40
The resurrection of Jesus said once and forever that life is eternal.
Jesus entered into our world and opened eternity for us. He came to the world and made heaven possible for all who will trust in Him. ...
It’s Different Now - 2 Corinthians 5:17 We should see things differently because of Easter!
We should see new possibilities and hope for our church. We come today with new hope for ourselves.
Because of the resurrection of Jesus, we see ourselves differently...More
Easter Is Life-Changing! - John 20:19 It brings us to the One who died for us.
And it frees us from the locked doors and the small lives that we live and we are sent out to be his witnesses.
And we are sent out with the power of the Holy Spirit. That is what changed those first disciples.
From fear to peace, from isolation to going out, from no power, to having the power of the Holy Spirit. ...More
Jesus Lives! - Matthew 28:1-10 They couldn't make the tomb secure enough to stop Him from rising!
The earthquake and the angel only confirmed that He was already alive from the dead! ...More
Here Is Life! - Matthew 28:1-10 Hebrews 9:27 says, "It is appointed unto men to die..."
This does not need to be a cause of fear for any of us. Because of the resurrection of Our Lord, we have an appointment with life.
You are here today to find life! ...More
No More Death - 2 Timothy 1:10 When Jesus rose from the dead, He broke the power of death forever.
And one day death itself will die. Until then death has taken on new meaning for the Christian. Jesus said, "Whoever lives and believes in me will never die." (John 11:26) ...More
Problem Of Death - John 14:19
God created us out of the dust of the earth, and He can bring us back in an instant.
The God who spoke worlds into existence can raise the dead. This is the teaching of the Scripture and the promise of Jesus: "I am He that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore."
(Revelation 1:18a) ...More
A Living Saviour - Acts 2:22-26 A generation of young people, even young adults, do not know anything of sacrifice.
They know about inconvenience, but a very, very few know about sacrifice. When we talk about the sacrifice of Jesus, they have no clue what that means.
We should be so thankful that Jesus Christ was victorious over death!...More
A Beach Breakfast - John 21:1-19 This opportunity for the disciples to eat with Jesus on the shore of Lake Tiberias further confirmed
the reality of the resurrection. This resurrection appearance of Jesus again confirmed for the disciples that Jesus was alive!
The disciples experienced the presence of the Risen Christ when they ate fish with Him on the lake shore. We have also experience the presence of the Risen Christ. ...More
Christ Is Risen - John 20:11-18
Christ is risen indeed! Let's celebrate the resurrection. Today, let's celebrate, using the ancient greeting.
When Christians met one another, they greeted one another with "Christ is risen!" and the response, "Christ is risen indeed!" ...More