Welcome To Funeral Sermons!
Physically Disabled Young Man - Psalm 46:1
Many have died at an early age, and yet have profoundly affected the lives of many people. This is certainly true of (name). What was it that made (name) so special?
Everyone who knew (name) has his or her own special answer. He was truly special to his parents, his family, and his friends. Here is a letter from his mother :
"(Name) had to go through so much illness, and struggle through life, yet, he always showed so much courage.
(Name) may have been small in stature, but he always walked tall. He never asked for anything. He took what was given without a complaint.
(Name) was pure of heart with an abundance of friends and will be sadly missed. ...More
Multiple Sclerosis Victim - Romans 8:18 There are moments of life that we never forget and there are people in life that we will never forget.
(Name) is one of those persons. She was very special. The very thing that made her special to us -- we would have removed, if we had the power.
We would have removed her suffering. We stand helpless when we watch a loved one suffer and ask the question over and over again, why the suffering?
We know we must trust God for the reason why anyone suffers. The assurance is sweet that, when death comes for the Christian, all suffering is laid aside,
and this child of God has entered a place of joy and peace prepared for her. For her there is no more suffering. ...More
Elderly Christian Father - Psalm 23:6
Words never come easily when we share the sorrow of a family and try to describe the memory of a cherished friend.
Brother (name) has written his own epitaph before our eyes. We cannot think of this Christian friend without thinking of his family.
His family was the pride of his life. Blessed is that man whose steps honor the Lord, whose family honors him, whose neighbors
believe in him, whose friends respect him . All who knew him will greatly miss him....More
Faithful Christian - Proverbs 31:10 What we call death is not the end, but the great new beginning.
It is triumph, not tragedy. For the child of God death is not an experience to be dreaded. It is to be anticipated.
To the desperate, the deceased, the aged, the fearful and the incurable, death surely comes as an angel of mercy.
God can comfort our hearts today because this faithful Christian is with Jesus....More
Young Mother With Cancer - Psalms 116:15 "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints."(Psalm 116: 15)
(Name) death is precious because it marks the termination of her sickness and suffering. (Name) death is precious because she has gone to be with her Lord.
The Lord would take great delight in welcoming (name) home. Christ has assured us: "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you
unto myself, that's where I am, there ye may be also."...More
Public Servant - Proverbs 22:1 This country has lost one of its most useful and dedicated citizens.
Early on Wednesday morning the soul of (name) left a worn, weakened, body and passed to heaven's joy and into the bosom of God.
For him the door on earth's life has closed; the portals of eternity has opened wide. Life's most important journey has now been completed. ...
Suicide Of Christian - Psalm 77:9
Our knowledge is not sufficient to grope the depths of man's problems. There is so much we do not know and do not understand.
In fact, how we view death -- this death -- and what we think about it, and what we say about it will reveal about us -- our Christianity or the lack of it.
What we think or say will not change the kind of Christian (name) was. We know that! His life clearly manifested his Christianity.
His life revealed Christ in him. He lived a useful and serving life. ...More
For A Stranger - Nehemiah 13:31 I ask you today to remember the good in this person's character and life.
Be loving and forgiving of the weaknesses and failures; let them be forgotten. Let your memories be of that which you loved, and that which was well intentioned.
Jesus always solved deeply into people's lives to see the good there. ...More
Deacon And City Leader- Proverbs 10:7 It would be impossible to write the history of this congregation without mentioning again
and again the name of (name). This dedicated deacon will always be remembered as one who loved to serve his church and his community. Jesus said, "Whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant." (Matthew 20: 27) ...More
Mother And School Teacher - Proverbs 31:26
"She opened her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness." (Proverbs 31: 26) We remember (name) as a teacher.
Hundreds of boys and girls have benefited by her teachings. Her tenderness, her example, her honesty, her directness, her love were all facets of a fully developed
personality that revealed Christ in her life to all her students. She has made noble and lasting contributions to many young people who are now making
their own contributions to the communities in which they live. ...More
Elderly Christian Lady - 2 Corinthians 5:8 (Name) will never grow old.
Her 94 years has ripened her for heaven, and now she breathes the calm and peace of heaven. We could spend much time reviewing her many laborers of love and lives that she has lifted.
Her shining faith, unwavering and unchanged, gives us the certainty that when her eyelids closed
in death and this earthly scene grew dim before her spiritual eyes looked heavenward and beheld the glorious vista of that heavenly home.
The snow of years on her head and the bent shoulders tell a story far more significant than words can utter or hearts can feel.
Her years tell a story of service and sacrifice, even in these later years of suffering....More
Accident Victim - 1 Samuel 20:3 Life is brief at best!
God does not give assurance against accidents, hardships, failure, trouble, or suffering. Too often, people have thought Christianity to be a miracle drug.
They have thought that Christianity would miraculously make life easy without suffering and pain.
The purpose of Christianity is not to avoid difficulty, but to produce a character adequate to meet difficulty when it comes.
Christianity does not give us escape from life's burdens, but it does give us strength for meeting them when they come....More
Five-Year-Old -- Killed In Car Accident - John 4:1-6
Only time and eternity can truly answer question, "Why?" (Name) gave love and was loved. (Name) stretched the capacity of his parents to love.
His parents loved him devotedly and cared for him sacrificially. This young life, though brief, experienced the wonderful joy of being wanted and adored.
And through (name) we have learned how God can pack Heaven into a small bundle of life. We have held eternity in our arms.
We have recognized something that will never die, a soul radiant with heaven, lighting up this child's face....More
Unchurched Person - 1 John 5:12
As we meet today to pay tribute to your loved one my remarks will be very brief. They will be brief because words alone do not brighten or tarnish the future.
One's life and faith determine his destiny. They will be brief because at such a time none of us is able to express what he really feels.
Words are inadequate to convey our full measure of sorrow....More
Christian Mother - Proverbs 31:10-12, 20, 25-31 Our lives are like a pebble tossed into a lake, leaving ever-widening rings and ripples of influence.
Long after a pebble disappears, the ripples continue. The ripples of the influence of (name) life will continue to impact our lives.
Her values, her love, her sacrifices, her courage, her faith will live on in our hearts....More
A Drug Addict - John 3:16 We have come here in love, to recall the good qualities of (name).
There was so much that was lovable, beautiful, commendable, and genuine in (name). We do not know all the factors regarding his death.
It is not our responsibility to know or to speculate. We do know that death has brought release from his distress and sufferings.
It is not my responsibility or yours to pronounce judgment, or promise divine favors. It is not our prerogative to pronounce or eulogize.
It is not ours to censure or reward. These are God's prerogatives, and only His....More