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A Beach Breakfast!
John 21:1-19
Having a picnic brings back many pleasant memories -- memories of family reunions, memories of church picnics.
These are memories that we will cherish all of our life.
Here in Florida, many remember those special beach picnics.
When we think of the beach, we think of getting a sun tans, and fun times.
I have known some who even met Jesus on the beach.
It was after the resurrection that the disciples met Jesus.
Seven of the disciples had been fishing all night but their nets were still empty at sunrise.
They heard the voice from the beach call out for them to cast their net on the right side of the boat.
You know the story.
Just about the time they discovered that their nets were full, they also realized that it was Jesus on the shore.
So, they quickly came to shore to be with the risen Christ.
Jesus had a fire and had cooked some fish, and invited the disciples to breakfast.
- The risen Christ was not a vision, nor an illusion, nor a hallucination.
- The risen Christ had a real body, which still had the marks of the nails in his hands
and the mark of the sword in his side.
This experience of the disciples again confirms the resurrection of Jesus.
- A vision or a spirit would not point out a school of fish to some fishermen.
- A spirit or a ghost could not light a fire and cook breakfast on the beach.
- A disembodied spirit could not eat that food on the beach -- but Jesus did!
The resurrection of Jesus was real.
Jesus had conquered death and was alive.
The disciples were experiencing the risen Jesus face to face.
Jesus the Christ was alive!
- The disciples saw Him.
- They had talked with Him.
- They had breakfast with Him.
There had been several other appearances of Jesus to the disciples.
- Jesus had been with them behind locked doors on the evening of the day he had risen from death.
- Jesus had also appeared to them a week later, again behind locked doors, when Thomas was told
that he could touch the Lord.
This opportunity for the disciples to eat with Jesus on the shore of Lake Tiberias further confirmed
the reality of the resurrection.
This resurrection appearance of Jesus again confirmed for the disciples that Jesus was alive!
The disciples experienced the presence of the Risen Christ when they ate fish with him on the lake shore.
We have also experience the presence of the Risen Christ.
- We have walked and talked with Jesus.
- We have felt His presence as we drove our cars.
- We have felt His presence in times of prayer.
- We have felt His presence in times of worship.
- We have felt His presence in the sick room.
- We have felt His presence at the graveside.
- Some have experienced His presence while on a distant battlefield.
The risen Lord is present in such spiritual moments.
Where have you experienced His presence?
We meet the living Christ in many places and in many ways for Jesus is alive and He lives in us!
- He is alive and active in your life and mine.
- He is with us each day, bringing us hope, and reminding us that we are in His care.
- He is always with us.
- He is with us in life's most difficult moments.
- He is closer than our own breath.
- He will always be there -- just when we need Him.
At first the disciples did not recognize Jesus standing on the shore of the lake.
Maybe they were not expecting to see Jesus there.
Many people today do not experience the presence of the risen Christ because they are not expecting Him.
Those who experience Christ's presence have learned how to abide.
Times of prayer and the reading of His Word is so important.
This is where He meets us.
We must spend time with Him.
Not one of the disciples asked, "Who are you?" because they knew it was the Lord.
They had been with Him enough so that they recognized His voice.
They knew that it was Jesus.
Being with Jesus is unforgettable.
How does a person respond to meeting the risen Christ?
Nothing is more exciting than to be with Jesus.
A person cannot be in the presence of the risen Christ without wanting to do something
to express gratitude to Jesus for what He did for us on the Cross.
The encounter with Jesus on the lake shore demonstrates the disciples obedience to Christ.
When Jesus said, "Throw out your net on the right side..." the disciples obeyed.
Later, when Jesus said, "Feed my sheep....." that became the mandate for Peter
for the rest of his earthly life.
It is also our mission!
- When we meet Jesus, we are never be the same.
- We will commit ourselves to whatever He would have us do.
Just as the disciples met the risen Christ by the shore of Galilee we will also meet Jesus
in unlikely and unexpected places.
Jesus changes lives!
He will change your life!
Come to Jesus!
He will meet you here!
Come and receive life from the Lord of life!
Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White
Email Dr. White at hleewhite@aol.com