God has placed in the hand of man two wonderful lamps.
One is the lamp of hope, which leads us forward through the uncertain mists of the future.
The other is the lamp of memory, which takes us by the hand and leads us through the mists
of the past to the happy scenes and memories of yesterday.
Memory is a gift of God and can be a very beautiful thing.
You have enough precious memories to last another lifetime for the Scriptures say,
"The memory of the just is blessed." (Proverbs 10: 7)
It would be impossible to write the history of this congregation without mentioning again and again the name of (name).
This dedicated deacon will always be remembered as one who loved to serve his church and his community.
Jesus said, "Whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant."
(Matthew 20: 27)
It was his joy and delight to serve others.
He counted it a high privilege to be a servant of our Lord.
He had a lively interest in the ministry of the First Baptist Church.
He was faithful at all its meetings, and served in many places of leadership over a period of many years.
He was also well known outside the church and enjoyed the highest regard of his fellow citizens
throughout the community.
His thoroughness in his work and his public spirit was known and appreciated.
Our Lord was with this soldier of the cross in his earthly life, and he has now gone to be with his Lord in eternity.
This hope is based on the assurance that Brother (name) was saved by grace, and that he had that blessed hope,
which is the precious promise of every Christian.
We are told that when those who had served in the ranks of the Salvation Army die, they are listed,
not under the heading of "Deaths," rather they are listed under "Promotions,"
as having been "promoted to glory."
It is an abiding truth of God that to die is gain, as Paul assured us in Philippians 1: 21.
(Name) has been promoted to a better world.
Solomon states in Proverbs 16: 31: "The hoary head is a crown of glory if it be found in the way of righteousness."
This verse states that the aged wear a crown, not always visible to the human eye, but one that is there nonetheless.
It is a crown of glory.
God put it there.
Old age tells a story of struggle and strive, of service and sacrifice.
It points to the veteran, bruised and bent, as he returns from battle.
The graying hair, the dimmed eye, and the furrowed face -- all point to struggle and sacrifice made in behalf of others.
What moving memories they bring to mind, and how death unseats and unlocks them.
Time has ripened the aged for heaven.
They are just one step this side of heaven, and already breathe the calm and peace of heaven,
and will stand before the throne and before the Lamb.
"My soul is bound for Gloryland;
No pain, nor grief, nor loss,
Nor weary tramp through desert sand,
Nor poverty, nor cross,
Nor foiled desires, nor sin, nor death,
Nor Satan's piercing dart
Can quench the Spirit-kindled faith
Within my trusting heart.
My soul is bound for Gloryland;
I'll lay my burdened down
And from my Savior's nail-scarred hand
Receive the promised crown.
His love shall wipe all tears away;
I'll know as I am known.
He taught my tested faith to pray,
'Thy will, not mine, be done.'"
Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White
Email Dr. White at hleewhite@AOL.com