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A Godly Mother!
Proverbs 31: 10-31
In the mid 1700's, there lived an old saintly woman, who everyone called 'Mama Newton.'
She was a lady that all the children in the neighborhood wanted as their mother.
She had hair like a halo of silver, hands worn with calluses, and cheeks that were stained by tears.
Every day, and every night, you would find Mama Newton crying, and praying, over her washtub for her son, John.
John had run away from home as a rebellious teenager, to become a sailor.
John had become an ungodly, wicked man, who was disowned by his father, and everyone knew him as wicked.
Yet, day and night, Mama Newton kept praying that God would save, and use her wayward boy.
She believed in only two things: the power of prayer, and the conversion of her son.
One day God answered the prayer of Mama Newton, by working a miracle in the heart of her son, John Newton.
John Newton, the drunken-sailor, became John Newton the sailor-preacher, who at age 54, penned
the Christian's national anthem: Amazing Grace!
- God greatly used John Newton to reach thousands, including a man by the name of Thomas Scott,
who with his voice and pen, was used by God to lead thousands to Christ.
- Included, among them, was William Cowper, who penned the immortal words,
"There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood," which has brought thousands to the One who died at Calvary.
All this, because of a believing, godly old mother, and her washtub prayers.
- Abraham Lincoln once said, "Behind every great man, is a great mother."
- Napoleon said, "Let France have great mothers, and France will have great sons."
- D. L. Moody, one of the greatest evangelists who ever lived said,
"All that I have ever accomplished, I owe to my mother!"
At a memorial service for her mother, on May 10, 1908, Anna Jarvis gave a carnation,
her mother's favorite flower, to everyone in attendance.
Within the next few years, the idea of a day to honor mothers caught on; and, on May 9, 1914,
President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day!
I am grateful that I had a godly mother!
Godly mothers are difficult to find today.
There are good mothers and there are great mothers.
Yet, there is all the difference in the world between a good mother, a great mother, and a godly Mother!
The author of our text could be writing his own mother's resume.
In these wonderful verses, he distinguishes a godly mother from all others to convey the truth
that a godly mother is different from all others.
The Godly Mother Has Great Worth. (Verses 10-12)
- She Is Virtuous. (10a)
She is "virtuous."
She is "worthy, or valiant."
This word has the idea of a wounded soldier who is deserving of the reward that he will receive.
- She loves the Lord.
- She lives for the Lord.
- She is godly
These are the reasons that she has great worth.
She Has Great Value. (Verses10b-12)
She is a lady of value.
The Scripture says, "her price is far above rubies."
In the days of our text, rubies were considered priceless.
A godly mother is priceless -- worth far more than fine jewels.
The husband, of this godly mother, realizes how valuable she is.
- He is able to trust her chastity.
- He is able to trust her conduct.
Someone has written: "The most creative job in the world involves fashion, decorating, recreation,
education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, literature, art, economics, pediatrics, geriatrics,
religion, entertainment, energy, and management.
Anyone who can handle all those jobs has to be somebody special.
She is.
She's a mother!"
Abraham Lincoln said, "No one is poor who has a godly mother!"
She Is A Willing Worker!
- She "willingly worketh with her hands."
- She works with pleasure and with desire.
This is a woman who volunteers.
This woman is motivated to be and do her best.
She works out of a desire of her own heart.
- She does not have to be pumped up.
- She does not have to be flattered.
- She doesn't have to be bribed.
She works willingly.
It's not a matter of compulsion - it's a matter of conviction!
She loves God, and the family that God has entrusted to her.
She seeks to provide for them, and please them.
This a work in which she delights.
She Has True Wisdom. (Verse 26)
The Scripture says that her mouth is filled with wisdom.
There is wisdom in what she says.
She speaks words of truth, words of help, and words of wisdom.
G. Campbell Morgan's four sons were all preachers.
A friend of the family asked one of the sons, "Who is the greatest preacher in your family?"
The son, who had great admiration for his father, the greatest Biblical expositor who ever lived,
looked straight at his father, and without hesitation, replied,
"The greatest preacher in our family is Mother!"
Her family knows how valuable she is. (Verse 28)
"Her children arise up, and call her blessed."
She is not receiving praise, necessarily, for what she has done; but, for who she is.
They're aware, and appreciative of all her acts of kindness and love.
But, they're praising the woman.
They are the first to to praise her person.
After one of the devastating battles of the Civil War, a dying, Confederate soldier asked for the chaplain.
When the chaplain came, to his surprise, the first thing the soldier asked was for him
to cut off a lock of his hair for his mother.
Then, he asked the chaplain to kneel, and thank God.
The chaplain asked, "What am I thanking God for?"
The wounded soldier replied, "Thank Him for giving me such a godly mother,
that so influenced my life, and prepared me to meet the Lord!"
"Do you want to be a godly mother?"
- Then, memorize Proverbs 31:30.
- Then apply it to your everyday life.
- It will make you a godly mother.
Mom, do you want to be the best mother you can be?
Do you want to be the mother that God wants you to be?
Then follow the instructions of Proverbs 31.
You will be a godly mother and your children will praise you, and God will bless you and your family!
Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White
Email Dr. White at hleewhite@aol.com