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The Name Of Jesus!
Matthew 1:21: "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call his name Jesus;
for he shall save his people from their sins."
There is something about that name!
"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus; there's just something about that name!
Master, Savior, Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain;
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, let all heaven and earth proclaim:
Kings and kingdoms will all pass away,
But there's something about that name."
-- Gloria Gaither and William J. Gaither
The name of Jesus is like a beautiful melody to the ear.
- His name can bring joy to the heart.
- His name reveals the power of glory.
- It unveils a glory brighter than any dream could ever dream.
In the name of Jesus young men have seen visions, and old men have dreamed dreams.
The name of Jesus brings before our minds a vision of glory to those coming days when every knee shall bow
and every tongue shall confess the name of Jesus.
"Fear not!"
No name can banish fear like the name of Jesus.
- His name is the beginning of hope and the end of despair.
- When the sinner hears of the name of Jesus, he sees that there is a way out of the deadly lethargy of his hopelessness.
"Thou shalt call his name Jesus."
Our Lord has other names of office and relationship, but the name of Jesus is specially and peculiarly
His own personal name.
- It is the Father who has so named Him.
- It is the greatest name that He could have.
The name of Jesus is the highest, brightest, and noblest of names.
It is the glory of our Lord to be a Saviour.
To the best that was ever born of woman God has given the best name that any son of man could bear.
Jesus is the most appropriate name that our Lord could receive.
- The Father knowing all about Jesus named Him well.
- The Father knew much more about the Lord Jesus Christ that all saints and angels put together,
for "No man knoweth the Son but the Father."
God, the Father, calls Jesus, a Saviour.
- Jesus is the Saviour because He saves.
The salvation that Jesus gives is not temporary or common.
- Jesus saves us from our sins.
- Joshua of old was a saviour.
- Gideon was a saviour.
- David was a saviour.
But the title is given to our Lord above all others because He is the Saviour in the sense that no one else is or can be.
He saves His people from their sins.
The name of Jesus is glorious beyond measure.
- It is divinely expounded to us as God declares that He shall save His people from their sins.
- The beautiful name of Jesus is a jewel from heaven.
He comes to us as an apple of gold, and it is presented by an exposition, which places it in a basket of silver.
Joseph and Mary, according to the divine command of God, united in calling the child born in a manger His appointed name.
And all who have received Jesus as their personal Saviour joyfully recognize that Jesus Christ is their salvation.
We must remember that the name of Jesus, Saviour, was given to the simple hearts of Mary Joseph.
They only needed to be told who He was, and why He had come and how He was conceived,
and they immediately accepted the divine message and named the baby, Jesus.
And Christians of all ages call him Jesus -- Saviour.
There are many who will speak of Him as a prophet, a teacher, or a leader, but they will not call him a Saviour.
But if they knew our Lord as they should they would call Him Jesus, the Saviour.
They would regard Him as a perfect man, a great teacher, and they would also call him the Saviour of sinners.
The infant Christ was committed to the care of Joseph and Mary to nurture and protect.
What a wonder that He should need a guardian -- He who is the the Preserver and the Shepherd of His saints.
As a baby He needed parental care, and in caring for Him Joseph and Mary did not hesitate to profess their faith
by giving Him a name, which indicated His mission and destiny.
And they published His name in the temple before the priest and the congregation.
This day we have a charge to keep.
- We are to preserve His gospel in the world, and continue His mission to the unsaved.
- We are to maintain His truth and we are to publish His salvation.
- We are privileged and obligated to bear the testimony that He is Jesus -- the Saviour of sinners.
- We must make His message clear and plain.
Others shall say what they please about Him.
If they shall speak well of His character then that is well and good.
But we have a peculiar and particular testimony that we must give.
We must tell the world that our Lord saves from sin.
Nothing is more prominent about a person than his or her name.
We can hardly mention a person without pronouncing his or her name.
Therefore, we cannot mention our Lord without speaking of His name.
Jesus is Lord and Saviour.
- We know Him best by that name -- Saviour.
- We preach Jesus!
First and foremost, we preach that Jesus is the sinner's Saviour.
Let us all unite in calling our Lord by this wonderful name of Jesus.
"Jesus, name of all names above; Jesus best and nearest;
Jesus, fount of perfect love, holiest, tenderest, dearest;
Jesus, source of grace completed; Jesus holiest, sweetest;
Jesus, saviour all divine, thine is the name, and only thine."
The name of Jesus was not uncommon among the Jews.
- Josephus mentions 12 persons with the name of Jesus.
- The Jews had longed for a certain kind of salvation, and their eagerness was seen in their children's name.
Their little ones were by their hopes named as saviour's, but they were not saviours.
- Nominal saviors were common.
"Lo here," they say, "here is a saviour."
"Lo, there," they cry, "another saviour."
- Many had the name, but not the power.
God declares that only Jesus Christ has the title, "Saviour".
His name shall be call Jesus, for He alone is King and Saviour, who truly saves His people from their sins.
Other so-called saviors only deceive the hopes of mankind.
They promise much, but they utterly deceive.
This holy Child, this blessed, glorious God with us, has truly brought us salvation.
He says to all who will listen: "Look unto me and be ye saved, all ye ends of the earth,
for I am God and beside me there is none else."
This is Jesus of Nazareth, the King of Kings and the one and only Saviour.
Only He can save.
Jesus saves His people from their sins.
Earth knows this, and hell howls about it, and the heavens sings about it, and time has witnessed it,
and eternity shall forever reveal it.
All glory be to Jesus!
"Glory to the name of Jesus!
Once it stood for sin and shame
Now the songs of earth and heaven
Join to bless that glorious Name.
Power through the name of Jesus!
All His power our faith may claim,
God will work His wonders through us
When we use that mighty Name."
Sermon by Dr. Harold L. White
Email Dr. White at hleewhite@aol.com